Lately, I've been feeling less peaceful. I'm getting my 7 hours a night of sleep, I read the bible every night, and I've been off of sugar, caffeine and dairy now for 25 days. So life is good. But, this morning, I woke up feeling really pissed off, not happy with life and this and that and what not. I was emotional, drained, feeling way too busy and not feeling like I had enough freedom in my life. I just kept thinking "I need to do what I need to be able to do!" (Pout, pout, pout).
And, by the end of today, it hit me: where'd my meditation go?
I used to meditate and affirm for thirty minutes each morning. I'd do ten minutes of deep breathing followed by 10 minutes of chakra clearing with Denise Linn followed by mirror work doing affirmations. It was a habit. And then something changed...
I created a new powerful routine: getting seven hours of sleep a night. As wonderful as it is to get a full night's rest and to wake up focused and ready for the day, equally important is beginning my day with a clear mind and, for the last few weeks, I haven't been clear.
Frustrated and ready to cry, I took some time to really look at what was missing... and here are two new powerful daily routines I'm making non-negotiables in my life: 30 minutes of meditation/prayer/affirmation at the start of my day and ending my work day with a gratitude list.
It's so easy to get caught up in limitations, what's not working, to take every not-so-nice word people tell you personally. When you're not peaceful, every little thing takes on BIG meaning. But, when you begin the day grounded in peace and you leave work (and re-enter home life) filled with praise, EVERYTHING changes...
So, starting today, that's exactly how I choose to live my life.
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