Monday, July 18, 2011

Can You Commit? (Read Time: 3 min.)

I woke up this morning with one goal: do 10 things on a daily basis for the next 365 days.  It seems easy enough to do, right?  Wrong.  For most of us, we're pretty consistent at being inconsistent.  We do the basics and then wonder why life only returns the basics. 

In watching a video from T. Harv Eker (see the video here:, it dawned on me that success is really as easy as he explained it: "It's the simple things done over long periods of time that will give you permanent and constant results."  But, here's the question: 

What simple things are you doing
over long periods of time (years)?

We're in an age of quick fixes.  Every gimmick, article, email sign up and offer I see is about how to do in ten days what it actually takes ten years to do.  People are sold on the idea of taking shortcuts, even if those shortcuts cost them in the long term.

Here's the truth:
There are no shortcuts to permanent and constant results. 

Either you're in it to win it or you're not.  The problem so many of us have is that we haven't been taught how to be persistent and consistent in the little  things.  We look at our lives and think, "I've got to persevere and hold onto my dreams."  That's nice but the bigger picture is only achieved when the every day steps are taken EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I've decided to challenge myself to be persistent and consistent for the next 365 days in 10 ways.  I know it's not going to be easy.  I know that I haven't had 365 consecutive days of consistency and persistence in these areas before and I've made up my mind to make the commitment to me AND for me.

If you're ready to take on the 365 Day Commitment  Challenge, download the worksheet to the right and get started NOW!  Don't wait for next week, next month, or next year.  Anyone who's coached with me knows my motto:


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