Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Inner Wisdom is Priceless... Body Ecology Day 15

The longer I'm on Body Ecology, the more connected I feel to my inner wisdom.  I've known for some time that this was the way I needed to eat... but I fought it.  I didn't want to "restrict" myself.  I didn't want to feel "confined."  I didn't want to give up the foods that were poisoning me.  I wanted to have my cake and eat it too.  All of those excuses boiled down to one thing: I wasn't willing to let go of what "felt" good for what would be great.

It's amazing how much we fight our inner knowing, how frequently we reject our highest good.  Whether it's a matter of deserving or an issue of self esteem, it's a sad day when we learn to no longer trust ourselves. 

It's Day 15 of Body Ecology and I ate well.  My reserves of veggie and protein were low but, at some point today, my body said "I need more carbs" so I cooked some red potato fries in olive oil and gave my body what it needed... and I'm still ending the day at 1,400 calories. 

On Body Ecology, eating comes naturally.  I don't have to think about what I'm eating.  I listen to my body and I feed myself good things.  I combine my foods properly and I don't even think about whether or not I'm losing weight.  I know I am.  I don't obsess any longer about what food I'll be eating next.  I already know.  There's no longer a compulsion to eat sugary foods because sugar is no longer running my life.

Does eating this way take discipline?  Yes.  Does it take work?  No.  The moment I decided to do what I knew was right, the system of eating came naturally.  It was almost like coming home after years away. 

I remember being a personal trainer and learning that muscle has memory, that even when you gain lots of weight, the moment you start working out, your muscles remember past levels of fitness and they come back in a third of the time.  Just as our muscles have memory, so does our appetite. 

If you known what it feels like to treat your body well, your body welcomes even a second of that treatment and ushers in your right and responsibility to honor the temple that carries you through life.  I'm learning how to treat my temple, one Body Ecology day at a time... and it feels good.

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