Thursday, January 12, 2012

Body Ecology Day 3... But Not Really (Read Time: 3 min.)

So today was a total bust.  I woke up to the realization that I was all out of Body Ecology groceries and didn't have time to go grocery shopping (until tomorrow) and, so, in a nutshell, with no lemons, no non-gluten free/wheat free/dairy free things, I chose to eat non-Body Ecology.  I could've fasted by why bother?  I took the easy route... and that's okay. 

So, today's menu was:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 10 baby carrots, 3 slices turkey bacon, hot chocolate (with 1/2 cup whole milk, 1 cup marshmallows and 1 packet cocoa mix)

Lunch: whole wheat penne pasta with sauce, parmesan cheese, 1 slice toast with butter on it

Dinner: Snickers bar, 4 barbecued chicken wings, french fries, 5 swedish meatballs, and crystal light

Oh I took it there today for a total of 2,241 calories, 43% Fat, 37% Carbs, 20% Protein... Oooh, way too much fat today... 

So what have I learned?

A- That I need to grocery shop and plan in advance so I have what I need to do Body Ecology

B- That being too full no longer feels as good as it once did; I'm liking the Body Ecology 80/20 rule (eat until your 80% full, make sure 80% of your plate are ocean veggies) more and more every day

C- I have the power to get off of Body Ecology one day and right back on it the next.  In previous encounters, if I missed a day from an eating regimen, I'd panic, thinking that I'd fallen off the bandwagon.  I've demolished the bandwagon.  Today was today.  Tomorrow I know exactly what to do: enjoy my life, buy groceries, eat Body Ecology, in that order.

I'm learning folks... I'm learning...

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